Vision, Mission & Objectives


“To be among the top charitable service providers in Kenya and beyond”
To achieve an all-round development of the Muslim community to effectively participate in and contribute to the wellbeing of the Kenyan society.


“To provide total service solutions that meets and exceeds expectations of the Kenyan society”
The Society aims to develop a community that is nationally conscious, spiritually developed, confident, proud and respectful of its Islamic, cultural and national heritage, capable of discharging its obligations towards Kenyan societal wellbeing in multi-religious and dynamic environment.


To provide effectively planned and need driven activities and programs to transform the Muslim community into a nationally conscious and productive component of the Kenyan society.


Aims and objectives of the Society

  1. To influence the transformation of society’s policies in order to lay a firm foundation for strict moral and educational values;
  2. To promote volunteerism and collaborate with national & county governments, development partners and local communities in projects and programs for sustainability;
  3. To partner with communities in development projects initiatives;
  4. To be moderate on all issues and in dealing with communities;
  5. To capacity build and train members, youth, women and other cadres in areas such as leadership, mentoring, entrepreneurship and skills development; and
  6. To optimize human, material resources and information technology to achieve the desired objectives.

Values and Principles

  • God fearing;
  • Integrity;
  • Transparency;
  • Accountability;
  • Honesty;
  • Justice;
  • Efficiency;
  • Patriotism; and